• Hey there! 👋


    I'm Pedro

    A Growth-Powered

    B2B and B2C Marketer

  • What I Do

    I'm extremely hands-on, experiment-driven and have extensive experience in a broad range of Marketing fields, from Demand Generation to Brand, Community, Affiliate, and Content Marketing.

    I believe in growth via high-value content levers such as webinars, guides, templates, calculators, and interviews.

    I've planned and launched new websites and content portals and set up multiple growth levers from chatbots to nurture, onboarding, activation, and retention flows through various channels, including email, in-app notifications, SMS, or Remarketing via display advertising.

    Due to my passion for automation and process improvements, I've set up sales, marketing, and growth processes in CRMs from scratch (Pipedrive, ActiveCampaign, Hubspot).


    I've also worked for big corporations (Danone or Capgemini), tech giants (Google), and startups/scale-ups (Uniplaces, Boords, Cleverclip, Layer). In addition, I've taken several consulting gigs, primarily focused on Demand Generation and Content Marketing.


    If you're hiring, I'm typically the first Marketing hire you'll want to have at a B2B SaaS business.


    If you're looking for advice for your startup, I can help you out if:


    – You’re struggling with your GTM campaigns.
    – Current demand gen and growth efforts aren’t working.
    – You’re not sure which marketing channels will work for you.
    – You want to launch a blog but don't know where to begin.
    – You're looking to better understand your customers and target customers.
    – You can’t seem to get your content to rank for your dream keywords.
    – You know a strategy will work for you but you’re hesitating to go for it.
    – You need to better understand your target market and find your differentiators.
    – Your email workflows need an audit or you just haven't set them up yet.
    – YouTube's been on your mind lately.
    – You'd like to try out account-based marketing.
    – You're eager to get a referral program up and running.
    – You want to hire someone in your marketing team but don’t know where to start.
    – You want to launch a LinkedIn strategy and/or grow your personal brand.
    – You're looking to start a newsletter that stands out.
    – You just need some real good tips!

  • What drives me

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    Growing and Leading Marketing teams

    I've hired, led, and mentored incredible people. I lead through trust, goal alignment, and by example. I fully enjoy selecting the right skill set for a specific strategy and hiring accordingly.

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    Growth Loops

    Working closely with the Leadership and Product team I thrive in identifying or coming up with new Growth loops to explore and optimise. 

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    Hands-on-hands-off Approach

    Especially in early-stage companies, I like to have the flexibility to experiment with new things. Once something works, I think about how to scale it - either through automation, through an agency, or ultimately hiring.

  • Experiences

    Incredible places I'm proud to have worked for.

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    Marketing & Growth Lead for Layer

    Jan 2021-Present

    As a Marketing and Growth lead at Layer, I led the acquisition front via both Performance and Content. Set up web analytics (GA4) and Hubspot as well as server-side tracking for Facebook and Google Ads.

    Rescoped and coordinated the launch of a new website and blog platform and set the ground strategy for our content efforts by hiring a content manager, outsourced writers, and SEO manager.

    Am constantly coming up with new ways to improve both the efficiency of our real estate as well as increase the reach of our USP to our ICP via social media and dedicated channels.

    Ran experiments in several acquisition channels including Google (Search/Display), Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

    • Ran direct outreach campaigns via email and LinkedIn
    • Product Hunt campaign (2nd product of the day).
    • Planned and launched a new website.
    • Launched the Layer Blog with 3-4 articles published every week - achieved 3M impressions and 200k readers in less than 6 months, 500 referred domains, over 10k organic keywords listed in Google Search, and 1000 organic resource downloads.
    • Set up Hubspot CRM and top-down funnel workflows from acquisition to activation.
    • Set up a waitlist with a referral engine for the Layer Google Sheets add-on.
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    May 2019-Jan 2021

    The world is an increasingly complex place. Cleverclip is a media production company that helps businesses explain complex topics that come up when launching a new product, changing an internal process, or communicating live with an audience.

    Key projects:

    • Lead generation
    • Brand positioning
    • Website relaunch
    • Content portal relaunch
    • Marketing partnerships
    • Managing the marketing team
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    Paid Advertising Consultant for ADBIRDS

    July 2018-August 2020

    Developed and maintained PUMA's Google Ads account for Portugal, Westpack Portugal, and Rentcars Portugal.

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    Growth Marketing Consultant for NIKABOT

    Mar 2019-May 2019

    Hired as a consultant, to assist in creating a Growth Marketing strategy for a productivity time tracking tool.

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    Marketing Consultant for BOORDS

    Oct 2018-Jan 2019

    Boords is a Saas for the Creative industry, used by over 30.000 animators, creative directors, and storyboard artists all over the world.

    In just over 3 months I've focused on bottom-of-the-funnel optimization.

    • Onboarding, activation and retention email sequences
    • In-product onboarding experience.
    • New pricing strategy with growth triggers across all plans
    • New partner program to push for referrals and partnerships with education providers
    • Set a basic metrics dashboard to evaluate our efforts
    • Launched a blog paired with a full content marketing strategy underway.
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    Head of Digital & Design for OLAMOBILE

    Mar 2016-Mar 2018

    • Part of the Leadership team.
    • Responsible for managing the Design team
    • Responsible for integrating all offline initiatives with the digital marketing strategy, from contests, events success tracking, events lead generation and b2b business development.
    • Responsible for setting up the Group’s content, social media, community relationships, digital partnerships, ambassadors program, contests, reactivation, and activation strategies.
    • Directly managing a team of 9 people, including a Content Manager, Forums Lead, SEO specialist, Front End Developer, PPC & SEO Manager, and a 3 Designers team.
    • Setting up online acquisition channels, including but not limited to Google AdWords, Twitter, LinkedIn working together with lead generation landing pages (through LeadPages and Unbounce), and conversion optimization tools such as Optimonster, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, HotJar, Hubspot.
    • Setting up marketing automation through Mailchimp, Zapier, and direct API integrations with 1st party DB.
    • Responsible for the rebranding of Mobidea and OLAmobile brands and establishing internal communication and brand guidelines across the company.
    • Responsible for defining the growth strategy of Mobidea's educational platform (The Mobidea Academy) and coordinating day to day operations, organizing the workflow, and coordinating the content production and distribution teams for the Mobidea Academy (including articles, interviews, videos, guest posts, and infographics).
    • Coordinate the Design and Implementation plans for the Mobidea Public site, Mobidea Academy, Olamobile, and IconPeak’s website, internal dashboard, and mobile app. Responsible for creating PRDs, mockups, and coordinate project delivery.
    • Coordinating OLAmobile brands (Mobidea, IconPeak, and BidderPlace) online visibility as well as reputation with social influencers and industry-related communities.
    • Coordinating weekly Scrum and Kanban tasks with the team of developers.
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    Marketing Manager for UNIPLACES

    Apr 2015-Mar 2016

    • Project Managed different initiatives for the supply side of the business including Salesforce implementation, design and development of a self registration platform and a content portal to push the acquisition and engagement channels a step further, optimizing the ROI of the client experience path.
    • Work together with Country Marketing Managers to activate Uniplaces brand across different markets with online and offline initiatives such as guerrilla marketing, flyer distribution, PR, and event presence.
    • Work together with the Operations team to ensure proper lead management and sales funnel exploration and improvement.
    • Reporting, P&L, and budget management.
    • Research, define, and implement a strategy and processes for relevant accommodation providers acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue.
    • Create, test, scale, and distribute cross channel targeted marketing campaigns to current and new accommodation providers to achieve cross-company goals in growth and expansion.
    • Manage and develop a number of different existing channels and new ones (Facebook, Google AdWords, Display Ad Buy, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing). Report weekly on KPIs and progress, problems, and plans to the Head of Marketing.
    • Hire and manage a team and budget. Assess the quality of all involved stakeholders (agencies, bloggers, writers, freelancers, ambassadors,...).
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    Digital Advertising for GOOGLE

    Mar 2010-April 2015

    Had the following roles:

    • AdWords Account Manager
    • EMEA Customer Sales Business Awards Coordinator
    • Business Insights Analyst for Google Play Books Partners Program
    • Senior AdWords Account Manager
    • Doubleclick Search (DS) Advertisement Platforms Solutions Specialist
    • Senior DoubleClick Search Advertisement Platforms Solution Specialist
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    Trade & Marketing Analyst for DANONE

    Mar 2008-Feb 2010

    • Collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand.
    • Gather data on competitors and analyze their prices, sales, and method of marketing and distribution.
    • Monitor industry statistics and follow trends in trade literature.
    • Prepare reports of findings, illustrating data graphically, and translating complex findings into written text.
    • Seek and provide information to help determine their position in the marketplace.
    • Conduct research on consumer opinions and marketing strategies, collaborating with marketing professionals.
    • Devise and evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data, such as surveys, opinion polls, or questionnaires, or arrange to obtain existing data.
    • Forecast and track marketing and sales trends, analyzing collected data.
    • Measure and assess customer and employee satisfaction.
    • Attend staff conferences to provide management with information and proposals concerning the promotion, distribution, design, and pricing of company products or services.
    • Develop and implement procedures for identifying advertising needs.
    • Measure the effectiveness of marketing, advertising, and communications programs and strategies.
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    Consultant for CAPGEMINI

    Sep 2007-Mar 2008

    Assisted senior consultants on client proposals for implementing Capgemini's solutions.

  • Exciting work

    A selection of projects I've led and been hands-on with:

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    Layer Website

    The Layer website was developed from scratch. The goal was to create a CRO and SEO optimised website to replace a first iteration developed before there were any Marketing hires.


    It covered 6 different use case teams with 3-6 individual use case pages linked from that.


    It also featured feature pages and deep linking to resources in the Layer Blog.

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    Layer Blog

    Also developed from scratch, the Layer Blog began as a way to attract Layer's ICP using top-of-funnel content focused on spreadsheets.


    With a publishing cadence of 3/4 articles a week, the content was sourced through an external agency by providing them with SEO optimised briefs.


    In less than 6 months we've reached over 3.8M impressions and 200k clicks with multiple high-traffic keywords reaching 14-30% CTR.


    A resources strategy was also developed focused in templates and guides to drive lead generation.

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    Mobidea Website

    Fully coordinated the concept, design, development and launch.




    similar work in other websites:

    • Uniplaces self-service
    • Olamobile
    • Mobidea Academy
    • IconPeak
    • Uniplaces Landlord Portal
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    Self Serving platform for Uniplaces

    Conceptualised and coordinated the external development of a self-service platform for landlords to join Uniplaces.


    It reduced sign-up time in 90% and released 30% of the customer support workload on signing up new customers, reducing overall CAC by 80%.

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    Mobidea Academy

    Fully developed the strategy for the Mobidea Academy which included:

    • Content calendar with 3x/week publishing rate.
    • Long & short from, webinars, interviews, tool reviews and Learning Paths.
    • Segmented email nurturing flow, with personalised content, article suggestions based on user reading history, and lead qualification signals. 
    • Discounts section with negotiated partnerships with industry tools, creating a new source of revenue for marketing initiatives.
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    Influencer Marketing

    Leveraged several influencer’s reach with over 40 video interviews, syndicated content and weekly guest posts on the Mobidea Academy.

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    Email Marketing

    Implemented nurturing email sequences with content from the Mobidea Academy, segmented by user type, gender and past article history. Implemented onboarding and activation sequences to educate users on how to work in the industry.


    more examples here

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    Remote Working Series with the SEF

    Proposed and partnered with the Swiss Economic Forum (one of the largest business events in Europe) on a series of conversations on Remote Work.


    It lead to an increase in lead generation of 35-45% during 60 days.

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    Mobidea Tracker

    The Mobidea Tracker allowed affiliates to their track campaigns from mutiple traffic sources in a single interface, for free.


    I coordinated the launch of the product which led to an increase of weekly signups in 30% WOW, more control over competitor offers and a central platform to engage with the affiliate.

  • Education 

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    ISCTE Executive Education

    Masters in Management 2007-2009

    Economics, Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting

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    ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon

    Bachelors in Management 2003 -2007

    Economics, Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting

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    Web Development Bootcamp 2018

    Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS

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    Dublin Business School

    Advanced Diploma in Project Management 2012 -2013

    Project Management

  • Published articles

    The word around town

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    Can Pricing keep on being ignored and overlooked in SaaS?


    People make psychological judgments quickly. So, how products are priced matters. Pricing is one of the most important strategies that can determine how (and if) a SaaS business grows.

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    The Green Mean Marketing Machine for SaaS, B2B, B2C and eCommerce Businesses


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    Welcome to Modern Marketing


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    Pillar Content and the 2019 Content Machine


  • Toolbelt

    Things I've picked up over the years

    Social Media








    Content Lead Generation








    Tracking & Analytics

    Google Analytics














    Landing Pages


    Google Optimise




    Web Development

    Ruby on Rails




    Portuguese (native)

    English (fluent)

    Spanish (fluent)

    French (understanding)